# Company Settings
# Company Member Settings
# Company Manager
- Log in to SyncoBox as Company Manager, then click on the [ Company Settings ] tab at the bottom of the menu.
Once you are on the " Company Settings" page, click on 1 [ Members ] to start configuring company members.
Click on 2 [ Invite ] in the top right corner to add users to the company via email.
Click on 3 [ Edit Company Roles ] to assign roles to the user within the company.
3 [ Set as Member ] allows you to set a user as a company member.
# Creating a New Project
# Company Manager
- Log in to SyncoBox, and click on [ Company Settings ].
Click on 1[ List ] in "Project Settings".
Click on 2 [ Add ] to create a new project.
Fill in the project name, visibility, and notes.
Once you have filled in the required information, click on to complete the creation of the new project.
After the new project is created, you need to use the [ Member Settings ] button in the project list to assign at least one project manager to the new project. This is necessary in order to perform subsequent operations at the project level.
# Zone (Default)
After the new project is created, it will automatically create a default zone, "Main". Between zone and zone are isolated and divided from each other. Please refer to the New Zone (Optional) for more details.